Wednesday, 9 December 2009

The girls of Navalcarnero

The crazy weekend in Madrid also explained why I couldn't find any reasonably priced accommodation; I stayed in a little town called Navalcarnero, about 45 minutes away by bus. I had a fun time there actually - the first night I arrived, I got very lost and had to ask some teenage girls hanging out in the local square for directions. They walked me to the hostel and we had very limited but lively conversations, then they came back about 1 hour later and asked if they could take me out the next night (it took at least half an hour before I understood). 'Porqua?' I asked, and there was a pause until one of them said, ' are very nice!!' Awhh. So I went to pizza with them, enjoyed a stroll around the town, and took snaps in varying quality of light...

Representing Navalcarnero: Ainhoa, Jeni, Alice, Hanna, Helen, Marta



Linh said...

Aw Anh! That's so sweet. I bet the pizza over there tastes better... None of this greasy cheesy shit.

MissAnh said...

Nah man, they were like, 14! 14 year olds don't dig blue cheese and artichoke gourmetness. They love love love greasy cheese and loads of ham. :)